APM+: Implementing a Continuous Process Improvement Program

Implementing a continuous process improvement program involves operational processes, not the ITIL processes.  While having the ITIL processes in place is important, improving performance against the operational processes results in improved service levels, more efficiency and lower cost.  It is about service fulfillment and capturing the performance metrics needs to optimize processes and improve organizational performance.

Five steps are needed and Project Remedies can help with all of them:

1. Document your common repeatable processes

      • The ones associated with your operational processes
      • The ones in your service catalog

2. Put the processes into production

3. Capture the performance metrics:

      • Time spent on each task
      • Task duration: when did it start?  When did it finish?

4. Review the work processes and the performance metrics monthly.

5. Take action based on the data

      • Adjusting the processes as necessary.
      • Re-training the people.
      • Firing the people.


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